The Scoop

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- Paul Sudbrock
- Letters
- Hits: 3096
We are always looking for new ways to present Christ in Wittenberg. The best means to the goal is always opened by the Lord. We praise and thank Him!
I have been leading the Monday devotions at a local school for over a year now. Last year the opportunity to lead the devotion for the teachers opened. This year I had the entire school and faculty present as I presented Christ the Savior. All were presented with the opportunity to trust Jesus. The resonance was encouraging. Please pray as God leads in this opening, that it will be effectual!
I teach baseball at the same school. After completing my sport trainer course last year, the opportunity arose to teach other courses as well. This gives me the opening to pray with these students in a smaller group setting, allowing for more one-on-one influence.
I have also been asked to take part in the yearly class trip as a counselor.
At church, we are in Genesis as we have preached through the New Testament. The people are so excited to see the Bible in a verse-by-verse textual style. They have learned so much. They get upset when they see the shallowness of the so-called Christians and organizations around them. Two ladies, who began visiting as a result of our summer street ministry, are really enjoying the sermons. It is cool to see God’s word change people!
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- Paul Sudbrock
- Letters
- Hits: 2689
So many blessings in the last few months
Our building project was successfully finished.
I finished my German certification to be a Sport Trainer.
We baptized mother and daughter, G… and M… So cool watching Christians grow in the Lord!
I made a solo trip to Canada and IA, enjoying two conferences and ministering in two other churches. A special thanks to Bro Hallmark’s church in Prince George who gave a special love offering enabling the replacement of my old and defective iPad. Jeff and Regena were so gracious to me. Staying with them was a highlight of my trip!
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- Paul Sudbrock
- Ponderings
- Hits: 3525
Jesus is the Greek version of our Lord’s name. In Hebrew, it is pronounced Jeshua.
Jeshua’s message for salvation is two part; repent and believe. Both are the combination to unlock salvation. They are also two related words in Hebrew.
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- Serenity
- Kids Blog
- Hits: 7798
The Impossible is Possible
Has someone told you that what you were planning was impossible, that you are crazy for even trying or that you should leave something to the professionals?
Hearing something like that might invoke anger inside you, frustration and/ or self-doubt.
Hi, my name is Serenity Sudbrock and I am an MK to eastern Germany. Living within a culture known for its negative view on life and ingenuity a cultural habit causing them to be one of the last leading European countries to enter into the industrial revolution and still causes the scientists to move to less restricting countries rather than try to get by the German bureaucracy to work on different scientific studies.
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- Paul Sudbrock
- Letters
- Hits: 2975
The last months have been filled with activity. Chelli had warned me not to make any new appointments, and rightly so. Every week was filled to the brim.
Our youngest celebrated her Modern Day Princess Ceremony at church. It was very exciting to see our Sadie celebrating coming of age. We charged her to strive for truth and wisdom, to bloom where God has her now to gather the strength for the next phase of her life, to let Jesus shine in and through her, to never forget the goal and who she belongs to and to guard her heart.
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- Samantha
- Kids Blog
- Hits: 3918
My name is Samantha Jewel Sudbrock. I am the oldest daughter of Paul Sudbrock, missionary serving in Wittenberg, Germany. I would like to thank you for your continual prayers. It is such a blessing to us. We thank God for your support as it enables us to continue reaching out to the people of Germany.
Growing up in Germany, as an MK, has taught me to observe different aspects of culture, mentality, and tradition. I believe that through the specific conditions in which God has chosen for me to grow up in, He has given me a set of skills and an understanding of cultural differences, that I otherwise may never have been able to acquire. I am also very grateful for being able to grow up in this deprived Christian environment, because I believe that God used this to form a strong bond with my family members. Being an MK I have learned to trust that God has a plan for me and will take care of my needs. But of course, part of following God’s will for my life is taking leaps in faith and believing, that God will provide.
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- Paul Sudbrock
- Letters
- Hits: 3604
There are many “good things” that can replace the right thing. Jesus came to “seek and to save”. He commanded us to take the Gospel for which he suffered, died and resurrected to secure. It goes way beyond a “Commission”. It is a command to, in the process of going, MAKE disciples, BAPTIZE them and to TEACH them. Making disciples is eternally essential. Anything stressed or placed before it, is contrary to it. The “good” cannot replace the right and remain good. The other two are ordered, foundational and biblical, but not essential to eternal life. It is sad, how many lesser-degree “good” things, that are not foundational and biblical but rather are interpretive or traditional and can be simply the dictates of man, become so important to the religious. Jesus, the disciples and the early churches contended with such things. We are no different. We must always evaluate our lives and ministries to align them with the simplicity of the Gospel. See
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- Serenity
- Kids Blog
- Hits: 5142
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I hope you all had wonderful holidays and transitioned well into the new year!
My name is Serenity Jo. I am the third child in a family of four. We are missionaries in Wittenberg, Germany, planting Baptist churches. I am 17 years old and feel very strongly about missions and our need to support it as much as the Lord gives us opportunity.
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- Serenity
- Kids Blog
- Hits: 5185
Hi, I’m Serenity, an MK in eastern Germany. Christmas is my favorite time of year, I love giving gifts! I mean, I’m the kind of person who was already shopping and planning for next year before the first present was opened this year. This is why I love our church’s Christmas project: All year long we pack gifts and collect donations for Christmas is eastern European countries.
Since 2000 we have collected about 600 gifts each year. As you can imagine, I have always wanted to help deliver the presents in person. Finally, God opened the door for me to go! And now I realize the wisdom of God’s delaying of my desires. Had I gone earlier, I wouldn’t have been ready for what I saw there.