Vested Talents
- Details
- Paul Sudbrock
- Ponderings
- Hits: 4886
We all have talents. Some, are yet undiscovered. God, who gave us those talents, is the key to their discovery and use. Making ourselves available to His use is the first step. Why would He divulge hidden potential to those who would abuse and misuse it for selfish goals? It is interesting to note that the reason the “Steward” lost his talent was because he hoarded it. Those who were rewarded, were rewarded for their surrender to the master’s purpose for the talents given.
One must ask, “how much of me is surrendered to the Master’s use?” When we are surrendered and being used by the Might One, He is more likely to “give...unto" us more Talents than before. These talents are hidden from our perception by the lack of surrender and commitment to the goal to the Gift Giver.
“As the Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” The Lost is the goal. The means is the cross. Is your purpose on earth to carry the cross or are you living to another purpose?