The last few months have been full of transitions.  In our area, two refugee centers were opened providing new ministry opportunities.  I quickly made friends with the refugees, the volunteers and the administration.  Over the last few months, I have been on call as camp chaplain and God gave many opportunities to witness to the refugees and staff.  So many doors have been opened.  Due to the refugees’ needs, our church’s name has been associated with caring, helping and most importantly the Gospel. The Government had made plans to close the camp. Today (12.12.15), I went out to the camp and with tears and passed out the newly arrived NTs to all the men there.  They received them happily with hugs and many thanks. The NTs have the plan of salvation in the fly leaf.  I have truly enjoyed praying, ministering, discipling, and working with these men.  May God’s Spirit continue grow the seed of salvation in each heart!  I can’t wait to see the harvest of the seeds sown!  UPDATE - Thankfully, the officials relented and the camp is going to stay open!

With over a thousand tracts passed out, the Reformation Festival this year was a great success.  The atmosphere and the peoples’ acceptance of the Gospel was refreshing.  Chelli had ordered new tracts with pictures and they were passed out very quickly.  We have a handful of regular visitors to that have developed over the years who have been asking more and more in depth questions about Christ.  Some of my Syrian friends helped me rebuild our stand as the older structure was dry-rotting and needed to be replaced.  An anonymous family gave us 200€ to update it.  What a blessing!

For the past year we have been praying about our living situation.  We have spent many hours seeking God’s direction about whether to stay in the apartment that we have been in for the past 16 years or if it is time to move.  Our current apartment is an old building (pre WWI) with high ceilings and constant mold issues stemming from the lack of insulation.  Our heating and utility costs are terrible and we no longer feel peace about our overall location.  When we moved in here 16 years ago, this was one of the few renovated apartments in town.  Now, there are so many more options available. A door has opened to move into a new house with lower rent and monthly costs.  The health benefits alone make this a good option.   Serenity suffers from the same mold and dust mite allergies that I do and they have taken quite a toll on her health lately.  In our present apartment it is a constant struggle to keep her healthy.  The new location is also much closer to the church which would save travel expenses and put us in a new neighborhood with new ministry opportunities.  The new location would also provide us with a plot of ground to put in a garden, once again with health and budget benefits.  In the long run, this move will have a positive impact on our monthly expenses, allowing us to invest more of our support in the purchase of Bibles and evangelistic materials.  However, as we all know, moving is not without its own expenses.  We are in need of your help to cover the cost of moving to this new location.  We will need to start rent payments on the new location before we move out of this apartment as well as provide a security deposit.  We are also praying that God will provide us with a moving truck when the time comes.

Thanks so much for your support!

Paul, Chelli and the Sudbrock Kids.


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